Monday, July 23, 2018

Minimalist KonMari Packing Must Knows

Quick Breakdown of Packing Minimally for a weekend Trip using the KonMari Method

This post is a short extension of a recent Instagram post I made about crucial minimalist packing to do's.

Crucial Minimalist Packing To-Do's

  1. Plan an outfit for each day ... that way you are only bringing what you need for each day and you have an outfit planned for each day so you can eliminate the time-consuming struggle of picking an outfit! Don't hold up the group because you don't know what to wear! Don't be that person! 
  2. Check the Weather! The weather cannot always be guaranteed; however, it can pretty much tell you if it's shorts and t-shirt weather or sweater weather. If you are going to a place where it might be hot one day and cold and rainy the next, try to create outfits that could be used for either... maybe all you need to do is bring one pair of pants and a sweater that can be thrown over any warmer weather outfit you're packing. 
  3. Mix and Match Pieces and use them more than once! This is crucial because if you plan a completely different outfit for each day of a 5-day trip, then you will be lugging 5 pairs of pants and 6 different sweaters (if you're planning on those "just-in-case" items), and that is just totally silly! Try to bring as little as possible and mix and match with what you have. Can you bring a maximum of 10 items for a week trip and see how many you can mix and match together? 
  4. KonMari Packing ... It's all about the folding. This method creates SO MUCH MORE space in your bag and it also allows you to see everything ALL THE TIME, ensuring that your bag stays neat and orderly and you don't need to unpack if you are only staying in a place for a few days. 
  5. Reflect. If you bring anything you do not wear, make a note of it. Do you wear it normally and the weather/event just was not fitting for this item? Or were you hoping that this would finally be the time and place to wear this piece that has been neglected in your day to day life? If that is the case, perhaps it's time to be honest about it and pass it on.  

A Breakdown of the Outfits I brought... 

All of them can be mixed and matched (in the photos I only show one usage of each outfit - but read the captions for some alternatives. I was also sharing a small roll along bag, so in the picture above, my clothes are on the left-hand side... I'm not just showing you a few things below and then packing a bunch of other clothes! I Promise!

I can take off the white shirt underneath to make the strappy dress on it's own a little fancier!

With the jeans, I can wear the white blouse, the black camo, or even the bodysuit (if I wanted to make it a bit more casual than the option with the black silk pants below).

This is a bit of a fancier outfit, but i can also wear the white or even black top with this to give it more of jumpsuit look.

Same goes for this... I can wear any of the three tops I brought with this skirt... See below!

The one item missing in these pictures is the flowered sweater I brought that you can see in the suitcase picture. That sweater is colourful and pairs with any of the solid neutral colours I brought! 

Important Reminders for Minimalist Packing...  

Remember, it's not about packing as little as you possibly can... it's about packing SMART! Only bringing what you need, wearing everything you've brought, knowing what you are going to wear, and not getting hung up on things you think you should be packing for those "just-in-case" events... Let me tell you a secret... those "just-in-case" times never actually happen.

Letting go of all the things you "think you need"makes packing, travelling, and unpacking so much easier! And you'll always have cute outfits that you love to wear on your travels!

Happy Packing!

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