Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Why You Should Travel Alone

 Solivagant: (The Spectacular) Wandering Alone

I recently took a backpacking trip to Scotland by myself. Initially, I was planning on staying with a friend for part of it but in retrospect, I am so glad it didn't work out. It was an amazing trip and I had some incredible experiences. Let me give you a few reasons why I think traveling alone is so important and why I can’t wait to do it again!

You Plan Around Yourself

One of the biggest advantages and benefits to traveling alone is that you don’t have to factor anyone else into your plans. You get to do whatever it is you want to do whenever you want! It is interesting to see how everything seems to fall into place when you just let life happen. You wake up and begin your day with a few things in mind that you would like to see and without a real plan, the day unfolds itself. You happen to arrive at the museum just as it opens and skip the lineup, and as you walk down the street the correct bus just happens to pull into the stop. When you let go of plans and have no worries about time, it starts to seems as though life is planning for you.

Observation Allows You To Stay In The Moment

Whether you are walking through the streets, immersing yourself in a nature hike, or are simply people-watching from a cafe window, be aware of everything you see. Every little detail matters. While you are observing you might start to notice things about the people walking by, the architecture, a single beautiful flower perched on a windowsill. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with yourself. That doesn’t make you crazy, don’t worry. But it will allow you to get to know yourself a bit better. Amuse yourself a bit and make note of everything that is going on around you and maybe you’ll even feel comfortable enough to start a little inside joke with yourself! You will be amazed at the amount of company you have while just being alone!

You Learn To Deal With Things

One of those things is getting around on your own. Of course, google maps and smartphones give you an easy way out. Still, you are able to get familiar with the city when the only person you have to rely on is yourself. You can no longer be mindlessly lead around, blindfolded, by another person who has “the good sense of direction”. On my trip, I also got into a bit of a money situation where my bank shut down both my credit card and my bank card. Thankfully it all worked itself out, however, there was an extended moment of panic where I realized I did not have the safety net of another person. Having another person would have saved me from a lot of stress I experienced, however after it passed I was proud that I could deal with the situation on my own. It increased my confidence in myself for the remaining trip and for my future travels.

You Learn About Yourself

I think this was probably the most eye-opening and calming part of my experience. When you are alone you spend time with your thoughts, however, because there are not a million other things happening in the world around you that you have to pay attention to, you can actually focus on a single thought at a time. Everything slows down and there is a sense of serenity and a feeling of content. A thought would appear in my head whilst observing the small shops and cafes as I strolled the streets of Glasgow, and I would welcome it. One thought would come at a time and I would study and disassemble each, in order to understand why I was experiencing that particular perspective on the situation and why this other particular thing gave me a feeling of stress. I asked myself why I have particular feelings and reactions towards these thoughts. The answers just arose.

I was able to understand myself better in terms of my actions and feelings in relationships and friendships. I would also recommend researching a little about “finding yourself” before you go. I know that may sound a bit too spiritual for some people, but really all it is is asking yourself the important questions so that you can start prioritizing what’s important to you, being aware of how you act in relationships and understanding what you want in life. I made a list of things I should do to start understanding yourself better in my journal before I left. One afternoon I sat in a park and another I spent drinking tea in a coffee shop, simply jotting down thoughts and feelings that each point on the list arose.

Bring a Contributing Book

Bring a book that discusses the meaning of life, the world, love, or relationships. Bring a book that gets you thinking and reflecting on your life. Bring something that will give you time to think and contemplate your views on different aspects of life. I brought The Alchemist , one of my favourite books, by Paulo Coehlo. It gave me a lot to think about while I was traveling on my own. This book in particular has a lot to do with the idea that there is a greater force of energy in our world that ties everyone together. Paulo Coehlo uses this force to explain life lessons including the belief that everything happens for a reason. Reading this while traveling alone contributed to understanding myself better and added to my attitude towards life and everything that it thrown at you.

I would say this book contributed greatly to my trip. It was an interesting story with an eye-opening abstract but meaningful message and was able to almost apply the essence of it and I was able to re-examine my life, all while traveling and exploring on my own adventure.  One specific aspect of the book that really spoke to me was the phrase “Maktub”, translating loosely into “it’s written”… the reassurance that everything that happens exactly as it should, as long as you follow your heart. So that is what I practiced doing… listening to my heart. Because I was on my own, I was able to really think about what it is that I want in all the different aspects of my life and therefore listen more clearly to what my heart wanted and in turn what would ultimately make me happy.

Some other things to do…

  • Take artsy pictures 
  • Spend time in a bookstore 
  • Mix it up and spend time in nature as well as in the city 
  • Pick one part of the city and spend the day exploring that area 
  • Find a cafe and people watch, read, or journal
  • Go on a tour and get a feel for the city 
  • Talk to people! Especially if you’re staying in hostels!
  • Make a goal to make friends to hang out with for a day or night 
  • Practice eating alone in a restaurant 
  • Take a walk through nature or go on a hike 
  • Sit somewhere and try not to think about anything, instead, just be in the moment 
  • Have fun being by yourself and practice entertaining yourself! 
  • Take note of the architecture 
  • Contemplate what this place looked like a hundred years ago 
  • Examine what the three most important things are in your life


Friday, June 17, 2016

Zucchini Brownies

A Healthy Sweet Treat! 

Recently I departed on a crazy mission not to eat any sugar or gluten. After returning home from my first year away at university in Canada, I felt like I had spent the year stuffing my face. Yes, I had been working out and trying to make healthy choices concerning food. Especially my final week in Canada though, I can chalk the unhealthy feeling down to the fact that my aunt and I just aren’t good for each other. And honestly, I love that and its always fun to have treats with her and no guilty feelings - that's the rule. After a time of letting go, however, I always need my health kick; My workout plan and my healthy foods. It was the need to feel healthy once again.

Back to the goodness that is good and sweets. This amazing Zucchini Brownie recipe that is both gluten free and (mainly) sugar-free has quickly become one of my favourite sweet treats. They satisfy my craving and are healthy enough that I feel I’m doing my body at least some favours. The following recipe is altered based on a few recipes that I have tried.



  1.  Turn the oven on to 180°C (350°F).  
  2.  Mix all the wet ingredients; Almond Butter, Vanilla, Egg, Agave Syrup, Zucchini together. 
  3.  I like to blend it lightly to make the pieces of zucchini even smaller. The mix of half big pieces and half small pieces makes for a nice consistency.      
  4.  Add the remaining dry ingredients; Baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg. 

        5.  Oil pan and pour in mixture. Add chocolate chips and stir.

Of course, now if you made it, you know that it is healthy and has a vegetable and no sugar in it, and that might ruin it for you. Let me tell you though that these treats make it pretty close to top ten on my dessert list. And now please don’t think I’m a sugar-hating monster - I’m not. Chocolate is probably one of my favorite foods. Yet I still love these brownies. I also just put normal semi-sweet chocolate chips in so that's
where the sugar some from, but dark chocolate also works! They just as gooey, sweet, and delicious as any other brownie!  

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