Fears that hold us back from living a life that we absolutely are in love with… and taking the first step by surrounding yourself with positive energy and releasing beliefs that limit you!
Thus far I have posted steps or tips on how to declutter or detox. I have also done a bit in the direction of designing the life you want. This post definitely falls under that umbrella, but it is a little bit more personal than just sharing my healthy meals and organization tricks. I am not here telling you how to make your life amazing, because although I am working on it, I definitely am not claiming to know everything, but rather trying to connect with those of you who feel that want to have a wonderful life, but may be feeling stuck or are not sure where to start. Are you relating to these feelings?
I have spent this whole week deciding what I would post for this Friday’s post. All of my prepared posts and ideas did not seem to resonate with me. The second post following “Morning Routines” didn’t feel right, and writing about how I redesigned my space at home didn’t get me excited. I am also not in my normal environment right now, and I think that traveling brings out different emotions and forces you to really think about the world and people and YOUR life differently. You read books, you ask questions, you explore new ways of life. Your mind is opening up to a whole different world. This can obviously also happen in the comfort of your own home, city or country, by exploring all the beauty around you or reading a fascinating story from the comfort of your own couch. This just happens to be my place in this world right now, and I am driven to write about something insightful and sincere.
Honest Fears
Fears that make us doubt ourselves … and encouraging change
I love writing this blog and dedicating my time to it. Some days I love writing about these material things; food, life style, and organizing your space and days. But what about organizing your life? One of the things I love talking about is creating the life you want to live, going after dreams, manifesting positivity, and trusting in life. This post is the first introduction component in that direction; to design a happy life, one must first start generating some positive thoughts!However, this simple sounding task can be difficult when it is easy to let negative thoughts take over and we so quickly resist being vulnerable. I notice myself take time before I share each post to think, “who is going to be reading this?”, “Will it make a difference?”, “Am I wasting my time”, or “will it just be a joke?”. To rid myself of these fears, I look for others who display the courage to expose their thoughts and feelings … whether that means sharing deep contemplations on life and hardships, or a more straightforward “tips and tricks” blog post where you gain insight into their life. You have got to be fearless to start doing what you love and you have to expose yourself out in the open when trying something new when you actually want to get somewhere with it!
I am inspired by authentic people. My favorite pages to follow on social media are those whose posts are genuine and authentic. Social media can be such a toxic place but it can truly be a caring and receptive place as well. These people post about following their dreams and all the love and gratitude in their lives; at the same time, they post about their struggles, losses, and failures. I realize I gravitate towards these people because I can relate and their honesty inspires me. It makes me want to share honest feelings myself. There are too many filters and rules and too much judgment in this world.
The courage to write this post is drawn from that inspiration. I see how much positivity, love, honesty, and how many life lessons are being shared by these people. I can envision how I want to connect and relate to people, but there is always the fear that people will not respond positively. It is that moment when you see what you want, but you must disregard judgment and any negativity around you in order to obtain it.
I started thinking about what messages I wanted to be sharing, and I realized tips and steps to creating a healthy life are important for me, but life goes deeper than that. My need for this post came from a realization from the inspiration and drive I felt from reading other peoples honest and authentic feelings and struggle… it was inspiring to me. It helped me connect to them and admire their journey, and it reinforced that dreams are achievable in the right environment. This positive energy and sincere messages inspire me to persevere mine - in the most honest of ways.
Honest Support
I want to create deeper connections with those who do read what I write and do this by conveying my personality, feelings, and charisma. So many aspects of life are filtered today that it can be hard to find a supportive community where you don’t wish for something new/better/bigger, instead of one where you feel fulfilled and happy in your life and gratified with your journey. This is what I would like to create here. Below is my first little insight, which I am personally putting to use in this post, in order to begin to create this genuine and supportive space.
Using Karma as a Tool
The “Tip” part of this post: Surrounding yourself with the energy you need to succeed
Karma is a tool you can use… It is simply the idea that your actions and thoughts influence your life. If you put your energy towards something, and your actions and thoughts align with that goal, you have the ability to create that in your life. First, you must liberate yourself from all the beliefs that limit you…
Your thoughts = your feelings ( positive thoughts means positive opinions and feelings towards that goal), and your feelings = actions that lead you in the right direction. When you create positive thoughts, you display positive energy, and you end up attracting the right kind of people and support. It helps you obtain what you want in your life and who you want to surround yourself with.
Personally achieving this … Everything I have written up until this point has been about the kind of positivity I want to manifest through this blog. Hopefully, through this post, I will attract the right supportive, loving, honest and authentic readers, that I know you all are. You can create what you want in your life if you put your energy towards it. I am done with being too intimidated to put it all out there because I know what I want to share is greater than the fear I have of doing it.
Right now there is a great 21-day Mediation going on by Oprah and Deepak Chopra, talking all about going after what you want, and the first thing they talk about is that “you are a powerful creator”. You can reach your deepest desires when you focus your energy and actions towards it and surround yourself with positivity. I would highly recommend it because it provides a little guidance and expresses all these concepts clearly.
Perspectives Vary
This post is a new step for me and this blog because I am speaking from the heart in sharing my own fears and my own feelings. It seems that this is not something people usually do, especially not to the open world. But I realize that these are the kind of posts I like most. Sharing, connecting, and creating a community of bonds and support.Of course, this is just my opinion. This is my perspective and my take on the situation. These are all just my beliefs about creating an environment that helps rid you of your doubts and fears and instead assist you with your desired intention.
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