Refrain from impulse buying by writing out what you feel you so desperately want ...
This list is your new best friend
Every time you get hung up on wanting to buy something over the next 30 days, or are just craving that dopamine "new purchase" rush, write that item down. Start a list where each time you see something you want, you simply write it down. That will "fulfill" you mind because you are acknowledging that you want this item and you are not completely ignoring that feeling and it's existence if you add it to your list.You can use a piece of paper that you hang up in your house or you can simply create a list in the notes app of your phone so you can get it down whenever you have a buying urge.
See how the list changes over the next 30 days
The point of this list is to write the items down instead of immediately buying them. You can then take some time to think about the item. Are you still thinking about it and wanting it in a week from now? In two weeks? In a month? Give it some time to sink in. Evaluate the reason you want to purchase this item; were you just wanting to buy something while you were at the mall on the weekend or is this item truly going to add value to your life?Giving yourself time to think about the purchase by writing it down will prevent you from making impulse buys and ensure that you are becoming conscious of buying what you need and what sparks joy.
Above you can see my list. I will be honest, I haven't been writing things down in a while, but this challenge is encouraging me to do that again. On my list is what I felt were "needs" ... not actually but staple pieces and replacements of items that were broken or not working anymore in my life (like my yoga mat for example). I checked off the items I ended up buying and stared the items that were more important necessities, like socks, underwear, and an iPhone case (because just knowing I don't have one makes me more prone to dropping my phone).
Having your material wants or needs written down will give you an overview of them and allow you to acknowledge they are there without feeling the need to immediately purchase them. Use the list as your "place holder" for that item. It's not going anywhere just because you are taking the time to really access your needs for the item.
This weeks challenge!
Start your list! Make it pretty if you want or quickly jot it down on your phone. Over this next week, or while you are at the mall with your friends this weekend, take notice of the buying impulses you have and each time you write them down, you are recognizing them instead of giving into the emotions.Post a picture of the list that you have created on social media using the #30daynobuychallenge this week!
There is no need for embarrassment! Like I said, my list would be a lot longer if I kept it going more recently. Plus, it's all about the learning experience and we are all here to support one another! If you can, keep your lists going over the course of these next 30 days and see what has changed, and what items you have decided to cross off because you decided you didn't want or need them after all.
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