Sunday, September 23, 2018

30 Day No Buy Challenge Week 4: Entertainment

The Big Question: Is everything you do, really stuff you want to be doing?
Weekly Challenge: Only commit to events and buying if it's something you really want to do!   

All About Entertainment

We tend to not think about things that fall under the entertainment category as "things we buy". Even though I would promote "doing" things and making experiences over "buying" things, it is still easy to get pulled into spending money where you didn't need to. Have you ever said "yes" to doing something even though you weren't really interested in seeing that movie or going to that concert, or have you ordered something to eat even though you weren't really hungry?

One huge part of minimalism is saying no and doing what works best for you. The more you say yes to the less time you have, so make sure the activities you are saying yes to are "true yeses"! We sometimes forget that "no" is a word in our vocabulary and that we can use it without feeling guilty or needing to justify. Let go of all the times you said yes and felt overwhelmed with your commitments. Remember how you felt in those moments to help you make the best choices for yourself in the future. 

This Weeks Challenge

Weekly Challenge: With every choice and opportunity that is presented to you this week, ask yourself if this is really something you want to do. Would you do it alone if no one else could come? Does it align with your values and interests? Make sure that the things you are spending your money on this week, you are doing for yourself! If you have already committed to things that might not have been full and true yeses, that's okay. Simply acknowledge that in order to help grow your awareness.

You have made it to the final week of this challenge! You have made it this far, don't give up now! Throughout this final week, start thinking about your experiences from this challenge. Has your urge to buy slowly started to fade away or are you still struggling just as much as you were in the first week? Are you becoming more aware when you buy something and what you buy, making sure it was on your list and that it was a necessity? Reflect on these last couple week and see whether or not your mindset has started to shift. 


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