Saturday, August 26, 2017

Designing Routines that Work: Daily Edition

A Daily Routine Example along with 8 Daily Time Management and Organization Tips to Design Your Most Productive Day, Every Day! 

Designing my Day in the Morning

Each day of the week once I have done my morning routine, I need to prepare in order to truly be ready to start my day. This is my daily routine that I need to complete before I start my day, since my day is based on this daily organization.
  1. Sunday Night: Make a Weekly To-Do List 

    While I’m at University, I set this To-Do list up based on classes. I order the classes based on when I have them each week because usually the assignment, reading, or essay is due during that class period. Underneath each class, I list the to-do such as an essay or reading I have to complete, along with any sub to-do's and the amount of time I will allow myself to work on that task.
  2. Each Morning: Make a Daily To-Do List
I Set up a to-do list of what I plan on getting done TODAY, based on my weekly to-do list. I set up my daily to-do's based on their priority. For example, if I plan on doing essay research and I have three readings to do, only one of which is actually important for class, I will make sure to do the important reading and then essay research first. This doesn’t mean I ignore the other readings completely (well sometimes it does), but it just means less time needs to be put into them when it may be sufficient to simply skim through the reading before I go to bed the night before that specific class. Especially in University where you are buried in work, it is all about delegating and prioritizing and needs to be done vs. what can be done later if at all. 
  3. Set up my Calendar - Weekly and Daily
    Weekly Overview:
    Again, I try and do this Sunday night. I put in everything from appointments, to meetings, to personal dates with friends, etc. 

    Daily Overview:
    Once I have made my daily To-Do list, I set up my calendar accordingly. I see what times I have blocked out for classes, meetings, or appointments and from there I schedule in blocks of time to do each of my To-Dos for that specific day. You could of course to a daily overview for each day of the upcoming week Sunday as well; however, I find that there is so much that changes during the week that it is better to plan each day on the day or the night before at the earliest. 
  4. Find a Work Space that Feels Productive 

    This is a BIG one for me. I need to feel like the space I choose to sit down at for a couple hours feels like a focused area and environment. Sometimes I like being at home at my desk, and other days I want to be in the quiet basement library in a tiny cubicle forced to work by the silence, and some days I want to be in a busy area like a cafe where a lot is happening. A lot of my productivity is also based on the environment I am in, so find one that suits your needs. 
  5. Begin the First Task and Start the Timer 

    I try my best to focus on one task at a time and not let myself get overwhelmed by everything else I have to do after this. I am the type of person who likes to feel as though I have control over all my work because it prevents me from stressing so much. However, it is so not helpful for my productivity when I am switching between this assignment and this reading. Therefore, it helps to look at one assignment at a time, but because of this I also try not to give myself a To-Do of writing a full essay in one day, and instead I break it up over a few days. Then, I can feel in control and also get all my other work done in-between and on the side as well. 

8 Steps to Having a Productive Day

Everyone’s day looks different based on their job, schooling, environment, living situation, etc. This post is a bit different than the morning routine since this is simply how to plan your day whereas the Morning Routine post was about what you can incorporate into your morning to make the most of the early hours and create a positive mindset for the rest of the day. 

The following steps can be implemented in order to create a productive day. The main way to do this is by creating a daily plan on how to tackle everything that you have to do!

1. Preparation is key 

There are a few different steps I have in order to prepare (listed above), but most importantly these steps give me an overview of what my day is going to look like. The best way to prepare is to write out everything you have to do. If you're not a huge fan of organizing, write your to-do's out on a separate sheet of paper first and organize them nicely later on - whatever you have to do to create an overview of your tasks.

The main thing is that you write it all out so that you can prepare for your day and your week. If you just have all these tasks floating around in your head, you will constantly be distracted and skip from one task to the next without really finishing them. Catch all those thoughts and to-dos and write them out! Write them down on paper so that you don't have to waste energy and memory space remembering what it is you need to do.

2. To-Do Lists are your new best friend

To-Do lists are a great way to have an overview of everything you have to do. They help remind you constantly that you have tons of work to do, but at the same time they calm you down and remind you that you’ve got this... At least if you've done them in an organized manner.Write your to-do list based on topics, rather than randomly listing to-do's at random and mixing up tasks that belong together. The topic, class, or assignment can act as your heading and you can list all the to-do's that belong to that topic underneath the specific heading.

3. Big to-do's vs. sub to-do’s

I have weekly to-do's that I write out at the beginning of the week, as well as daily to-do's that I list daily based on my weekly to-do's. In my weekly to-do list, I have major headings, for example, “Journalism Essay”. However, then I will have sub-to-dos that come underneath the Journalism Essay. This will look something like this:

This to-do list set up allows me to have an overview of the major assignments and as well as the sub to-do's that have to get done in order to complete the entire assignment. This not only outlines all of the aspects you need to make time for, but it also allows me to check off a lot of sub to-do’s from my list...  It helps me feel productive! There is a mental celebration that occurs when you check things off because you can see how much you are getting done. Therefore, waiting to check off the “one big major to-do” because that is the only thing you have listed, can create a draining unproductive feeling. Sub to-do's in general also help me maintain a focus of all the important steps that I must take to complete the task. 

4. Prioritize lists and assignments
Write out your “to-do’s” for the week or day in order of importance, or simply number their importance after you've written out your list. This ensures that each day you go down the list in order of whats most important. You can divide your weekly list into each day of the week so that you have a clear to do list for each day based on your priorities.

5. Time yourself - Done is better than perfect

Beside each of my weekly “To-Do’s” I have also written how much time approximately I will be dedicating to each assignment (see above example). I know that some are very important and need to be given a lot of time such as big essays or important readings, whereas others can be skimmed through or completed in 30 minutes. Set a timer for yourself and aim to be done with that assignment or that part of the task when the timer goes off. This is the hardest area for me to strict about because the timer will go off and I will keep pushing up the time and resetting the timer. This partly defeats the purpose of the timer because my goal was to be done; however, resetting the timer at 5 or 10 minutes and knowing I only have a few minutes left does motivate me to work faster and add those few sentences or ideas quickly. Over time, this method begins to alter the way you work because you will start doing your tasks in a way that you will be done after the 45 minutes that you are giving yourself to complete it.

If you are a perfectionist, this can be an incredibly difficult concept to incorporate into your work. I try my hardest not to be a perfectionist. I am constantly reminding myself that there is no such thing as perfect … there is always a different way to write a sentence or present an idea. 
But at the end of the day, it is better to have it done so that you can dedicate the rest of your time to other things that are important to you, instead of stressing about one little sentence.

6. Color Outside the Boring Lines

Some people love to color coding and some see it as a waste of time. I would never turn down the option of adding fun colors to my lists, but often it becomes a form of procrastination and my task becomes organizing my list rather than doing my work. Seriously though, I could sit and organize and color code my “to-do’s” all week long, but then I wouldn’t get anything done.

It’s important to write out the list in an organized manner and then simply GET STARTED. So I am here to tell you that you can add color with very little hassle. I pick a color for each week. Use the colors to stroke things out, write the headings, or add important dates on your calendar. Make it pretty or fun or whatever your goal is, but don't let it take over. Just make it neat and readable, with a few fun colors!

7. Stroke it Out.  

Cross it out when it's completed! This can act as a mental achievement because it feels so damn good to just cross things off your list … it creates a sense of accomplishment! It can also motivate you to move on to the next to-do and move through your list like the productive focused badass you are!

8. Be DONE! 

Let it go. Move on. And don't forget to give yourself time to do things that make you happy. Even if you love your work, life is not all about work!  

Comment or contact me with any more questions, suggestions, or ideas you may have.
More declutter posts along this focus of work, organization, and time-management are underway, so if that interests you, come visit more often!


Friday, August 18, 2017

We Feel Guilty, But We Shouldn’t … Screw that, Love yourself.

Another Truthfully Honest Post: The ‘right’ perspectives on life & body awareness, and loving yourself for YOU, from inside-out. 

 Love yourself for you. Make everything you do for you.
Work on yourself the right way: inside to out!

The Guilty

I am surrounded by people concerned about their health, their diet, their eating habits, which is not necessarily a negative thing, as it has taught me to want to take care of myself and of this single sacred body that I have. At the same time, I am also surrounded by people who are concerned about not only being healthy but looking a certain way. Unfortunately, I feel that this mindset has also imprinted itself in my brain in negatives ways. There is a stress that surrounds itself with eating my favorite foods and a guilt that follows. I am healthy and I am not overweight, but then why is it that I begin to feel uncomfortable if I haven’t worked out in a while or why I start to stress about eating two servings of pasta.

Yes, awareness of what goes into your body is important, but is that really the only thing on our minds? Are we sure there is not that ulterior motive where we are trying to fit into a supposed “prescribed” mold? Or do I just feel “unhealthy” in my body because I haven’t moved it the way it wants to be moved, in a couple of days? As soon as I give my body a workout or plan a few healthy meals, I find myself in a totally new and positive mindset… Then why do I let myself feel bad about what I consciously put in my body? We get caught up in all the little things, and we build the “bigger picture” around all of these small insignificant worries. Do you take care of your body? Do you eat well but also treat yourself? Do you look in the mirror and love yourself, even if you haven’t reached your goals yet? Then relax!


As I continue implementing a practice in my everyday life of moving my body in the ways that satisfy it and eating foods that fuel me and make me feel good, I also have to remind myself that I can go for the pasta and the cookies and treats, as long as it’s in moderation. As long as I keep this as my motto, I don’t find myself feeling guilty. I let that shit go. I am healthy, I feel good, I take care of my mind and my body. I eat healthy nutritious foods, but I also treat myself to sweets because they also feed my soul and sweet tooth. If you love your body and take care of yourself, then there is no reason you should be feeling guilty for what you put into your body or for giving your body rest. Listen to your body; it knows exactly what it needs. As long as there is a balance, you can love your body and yourself regardless.

There is a Community of Inspiration and Support Surrounding Us

Rachel Brathen, aka Yoga Girl, wrote a prayer called A Prayer for my Daughter. Part of the prayer is about is about how she prays that her daughter loves herself and her body, and never finds herself ashamed or embarrassed, and can always know her self-worth lies above all of that.  I would like to share this message of the prayer because it is incredibly fitting.

I am not guilty, I am AMAZING … because I love myself.

This beautiful prayer presents a story of exactly what I am communicating; be healthy, take care of yourself, and move your body, but do it because you love yourself and your body, and because it feels good to treat it to this wonderful experience of movement in nature and all the delicious and nutritious foods that this incredible earth has to offer.

Finding this prayer was another one of those instances where I was unsure about posting a deep post about real feelings and struggles, whereafter I found myself scrolling through Instagram and find this prayer that she wrote that connects so perfectly to what I desire to write about. I love when I can see how things are meant to be. Her post inspired me to persevere with writing this post and it helped me to refocus what it was that I wanted to communicate... so all I can hope is that this post is perhaps the motivation you need or the push you needed to show you the way in whatever situation or struggle you may find yourself in.

Let's be here for each other, and love each other like we do ourselves. Girls are amazing badasses; Let’s build each other up.

Support and Positivity vs. Big Companies with Mean Messages

D3 is a place to share healthy lifestyles, habits, and routines, and sharing how to create space to breathe in your life by getting rid of all the clutter and mess in your space. My goal is to communicate all these things in a positive light. That is why honest posts like these are important; I want to share these common or personal struggles so that we all find ourselves on the same level of togetherness so that we can create support, understanding,  and realization regarding all of these topics that produce extra an unnecessary stress and insecurities in our lives. This blog is not about being skinny and dieting and being an anal organization maniac, but rather creating an environment in your day to day life that excites you, fuels you, and inspires you. And for me, these three aspects of my blog are ways that I can achieve that life. We are all on this earth and in this life together. Eat healthy for the goodness of your body. Keep your house organized not for material purposes, but to de-stress your life and create harmony in your space. Have a morning routine to clear your mind and help you feel positive going into each day. Do it for YOU.

Nothing I write is a “you must do this to be happy”. All it is is ways to be happy in life. Maybe for you, that means looking a certain way or being on a certain diet, or maybe it simply means working out to feel good, not look good, and mediating in order to reconnect with your desires and follow your passions. It's OKAY to want to look good and work towards goals. The most important thought to keep in mind is to always feel good anyways if you know you take care of yourself, no matter what step you are at.

This message should expand into all areas of life and everything else you read, watch, and are exposed to. We live in such an extreme consumer culture that it is so vital to be aware of what you are taking in and how it is subconsciously influencing you. Advertisements are meant to make us believe we are missing something, and we will only be happy “when”… when we have this or that product that will make us more beautiful (aka no pores - like, what?!), or when we have these clothes that will make us “cool” (whatever that even means).  Who was the almighty person who decided that any of these better, cooler, or more expensive products were actually going to make you a happier person?
There is a life outside of all the presented status quo(s). You will never be able to get away from these influences and messages, but you can love yourself enough as you are to be aware of the fact that they are just trying to make money, and you are perfect the way you are.

TO DO’s for Living Your Life Truthfully, for YOURSELF.

1. Work out so you can sweat to feel good not look good The whole point of working on yourself is so that you can love yourself from the inside-out. Start on the inside because you will never be happy on the outer side until you love yourself regardless of that part. Work out to move your body, because your body craves it and loves you for stretching it out. Even if you are not where you want to be at yet, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Make sure it is for yourself, and not for someone else. Of course, we all want to look good, but until you learn to feel good in your own skin and be happy knowing that you are taking care of your body, then no number of pounds lost will matter because it will never be good enough. Even if you have a bigger goal in mind that you are working towards (which is AWESOME), still let ‘right now’ be good enough.

2. Put good fuelling nutrients in your body
Yes, be healthy. Yes, take care of your body. Because it is a temple. It is the most powerful and amazing creation you have. It's damn freakin' amazing. So what are we complaining and worrying about! This is the issue… we think that being “healthy” means dieting and denying ourselves foods that are labeled as “bad”. I am not advocating for you to go on a McDonald’s diet or let yourself each a full box of donuts every day, but have that piece of cake at your friend's party! Bake cookies and actually eat them … and feel good about it after!

3. You were born perfect and exactly as you should be
... so CELEBRATE yourself, who you are, what you look like. As long as you feel good on the inside, that's all that matters. We are simply looking at it the wrong way... trying to find inner peace and content by changing the outside (we think we can find it by changing what's on the outside). However, if you're not happy with yourself to begin with and proud of how far you've come, you will keep looking in the mirror and continue with the same negative thoughts. Life is pretty amazing… don't miss it because you’re busy complaining and being sad.
Reminder to Self: Life is beautiful. I am beautiful. I celebrate the highs and lows. I am on the right path to working towards my goals, and I am happy and celebrate life and myself regardless.

4. Do not waste a single precious moment worrying about what anyone else thinks
If you truly love yourself, love your body, love who you are, then whatever anyone else thinks doesn’t matter. I know this is easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean it's not a goal you can work towards. The majority of the time we don’t like what we see in the mirror because we are worried about the judgment of others.  When you look in the mirror, love what is there. Appreciate that you are special and unique.
Reminder to Self:
I am happy with who I am and how I look and I love myself. Alternatively, or in addition to this, make a list of max. 10 people who are really important to you and whose opinions truly matter. Then everyone else can just become noise.

Believe you can do whatever you set your mind to. Believe that you are amazing. Believe it and make that your reality. Manifest it.
Reminder to Self: I believe it. I will do this. I am doing this (“this” meaning whatever it is you wish to achieve or see happen in your life).

6. And gave gratitude. For the entirety of all journeys, not just the destinations.
Be grateful for what you have, and be grateful for your future. Believe in the future you want and visualize it for yourself. If you want to create a habit of healthy living and bring more movement into your life, then envision that life. Believe you can do it and achieve whatever goals you set for yourself… Just make sure to love yourself along the way, regardless of where you are on your journey.
Reminder to Self: List of 3-5 things you are grateful for each day before you go to bed, to remind yourself how wonderful you are and how amazing your life is (even if it’s currently only in the small things).


You have to do YOU to be happy… I can’t tell you what that is.  
All I can do is create a platform to share my beliefs and passions. Use them as you wish, to create an amazing life or incorporate a healthy life style. Use them in a way that works for you! Take care of your body, work out to feel good, eat to enjoy, clean to move on. Everything in moderation.

You are enough… more than that, actually. So love your damn amazing self already!


Friday, August 11, 2017

Morning Boost #4: Ginger Turmeric Kefir Lassi

This smoothie is the perfect combination of sweet, spicy, and healthy to kick-start your fabulous day! 

What is this amazing sounding drink you ask?

As I said, this one is sweet from the honey and pineapple, spicy from the ginger, and contains a hint of sourness from the lemon. Aside from those different tastes, it is also creamy from Kefir… Sounding delicious yet? Kefir, if you haven’t heard of it yet, is a type of probiotic yogurt drink.

This is a great one when you are feeling a bit sick, with nausea or simply under the weather. It contains ingredients such as probiotic yogurt which is great for healing and strengthening intestines, as well as ginger, which is helpful for unsettled stomachs, menstrual pain, and fighting cases of flu and common colds (HealthLine 2017). This smoothie also contains honey, which is a natural antibiotic according to Medical News Today and can also be used as a cold relief.

Benefits of Turmeric

I myself had not heard about all the benefits of turmeric before making this smoothie with my mom. I feel that knowing what good you are actually doing with the food you put into your body always gives me a positive mindset. If I feel like I am putting kick-ass nutrients into my body, then I feel so much better. Therefore, I like to know the benefits of the natural spices, oils, and whatever else it may be that I am using for my body.

Turmeric is a spice grown in many Asian countries and belongs to the ginger family, so it has a bit of a similar “bite” tastes!

Benefits Include:
  • Cancer preventing elements: According to Cancer Research UK, the main ingredient in Turmeric is “curcumin” (scientifically known as diferuloyl methane), which has shown to have anticancer effects on cancer cells.
  • The Curcumin acts as an anti-oxidant and is also known for its powerful anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it can act as a natural pain killer (HealthLine 2017). 
  • Can slow the growth of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's: According to Health Line, Turmeric is known to boost the level of a growth hormone in the brain (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)), which is linked to improved brain function. Alzheimer's, for example, is linked to the decrease of this hormone in the brain. Therefore, it could be a factor in preventing Alzheimer's. 


Side Note: This recipe has been adapted from my amazing mom, and she adapted it from the wonderful smoothie book Delicious Probiotic Drinks by Julia Mueller, where the information and benefits on all the ingredients and more healthy recipes if you're interested.

Ingredient Information
  • Kefir can also be substituted for plain probiotic yogurt
  • It is optional to add coconut water (approx. 1/4 cup to liquify the smoothie a bit and add the coconut taste, which can be really nice as it evens out all the strong tastes (just like the Kefir does as well)).
Single Step: Blend Well! 
Again, as most of my recipes go, you simply put it all in a blender and mix it together!
Pour into a glass and it is optional to garnish the drink with extra turmeric.

When I made this recipe originally (and for this post), it served about three people, but the amounts given will also work for two. To make this for one person, half this recipe. In that case, the recipe will make one good glass with a little left over to refill… you'll be wanting that extra bit.

And then you are left with a delicious morning smoothie boost with numerous healthy ingredients! Drink up!

Feeling too busy for healthy foods? Get rid of that excuse... here are some prep ideas:

This is a pretty easy recipe to prep for ahead of time. For example, if you don't have time to be cutting up pineapple in the morning, cut it up the night before and put it in a tupperware or in the freezer if you know you won't finish it this week anymore. Chop up the ginger and have a full jar at hand! Ginder is great to throw in with your tea or water, so you can never really have too much.

Start the morning and continue your day feeling full, healthy, and energized!

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