Friday, January 10, 2020

I've levelled up!

Hello old friend and dear readers!

Thank you for joining me for the past five years of this journey of me diving deeper into my passion for decluttering and finding my way towards intentional living.

I am truly grateful for you. I am truly grateful for this site. It has given me direction and purpose. Ultimately it has guided me into the phase of my life I am now in. Life has changed and as my path has become clearer, my focus has also shifted.

So, as I move forward and step into this next phase, I want to say thank you and invite you along for the ride!

The Update 

I will be keeping this blog live as I feel that there are a lot of value adding posts on here. However, there will be no more new posts on this site.

Keep reading to find out where the new blog is and all the new and amazing services I have created! If this is your first visit to this blog and you're finding posts and information that is of interest to you, come and visit me on my current site or connect with me over social media!

Levelling Up!

I have re-branded, built a new website, and launched my business over the past five months. I have moved from "Detox Declutter Design" to the full on coaching business of Decluttered Intentions. The Decluttered Intentions blog is still alive, but now the new version exists on the Decluttered Intentions website.

I am so excited to be stepping fully into my passion and purpose. Clearly these topics have been important to me, since I did start blogging about them. But now I feel like I am not only talking about the things I love but also taking action surrounding them. On top of that, I am helping other people do the same! 

Come Join Me!

I would love for you to come hang out with me in the Decluttered Intentions realm! 

Check out all my awesome coaching services and hear about past client success stories.

Come hang out with me on social media! Find me on Instagram and the newly launched Facebook page! You can also browse the Decluttered Intentions Pinterest boards to get inspired! 

Thank you!

This has been my greatest passion, outlet and learning experience. 
See you on the other side!


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Decluttered Intentions Podcast - Ep 1: Introduction

Welcome to the Decluttered Intensions Podcast 

My "Why"

I have published the pilot episode of a podcast I have created called Decluttered Intentions. Decluttering is something that I am incredibly passionate about and doing this podcast allowed me to understand why I hold it so close to my heart. Similar with the Instagram Live I did a few months back with my dear friend Heather, talking about my experience of decluttereing allowed me to realize why this is important to me.

On this podcast, I share my personal experience of the impact decluttering has had on my life and how it led me to minimalism. I talk about the ways in which our physical space and belongings can effect our lives, and I share how becoming more concious of what you bring into your life can help you live more intentionally. Choosing what you want and what you don't want can be applied to all all areas of your life, not just your physical belongings. Ultimatley, letting go of what is not serving you will allow you to critically evaluate what is importnat to you and only allow that into your life which adds value.

Overview of the Podcast 

Decuttered intentions is the podcast about finding your way to an intentional life through decluttereing as a young adult. There is so much change happening as we find our own way after going out into the world on our own... but this could also be the perfect time to start creating the life you want!

In this pilot episode, I introduce the topics of delcuttering and minialism, which will be the basis of the entire podcast sereis. Most importantly, I discuss the role of decluttereing and minimalism in intentional living.

Topics Dicussed:
  • My story about where my passion for decluttering and minimalism came from
  • Decluttering as a two-fold process
  • Minimalism - debunking stereotypes 
  • Decluttering an dminimalism in relation to living with intention
  • Takeaway throughts and exercise

Listen to The Decluttered Intentions Podcast here!

Intersted in hearing more of Decluttered Intentions? Let me know!


Friday, March 1, 2019

Why and How you need to create your own vision board

Six Reasons Why Vision Boards are more than just an Arts and Crafts Project

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a bulletin board or piece of paper on which you display your goals, aprirations or life you are working towards. As you can see above, that can include various different categories from relationships, to career, to travel - the list is endless.

Depending on where you currently are in your life, your own creation of a vision board can have different purposes. Maybe you just want to get clear on what you want and all the things you dream of doing. Maybe you are going through a difficult shift where you are feeling lost and want to find a clear direction moving forward.

Even if you are not completley clear on what is it you want from life, you can start by adding all the things you love to do onto your board. A vision board can be used as a goal setting space, where you place key words, locatons, or to-do's on the board as a kind of bucket list. On the other hand, a vision board can also be a way to display the way you want your life to look or the feeling you want it to have.

Because the board is open to your own interpretation, you decide how you want it to look and feel and what gets to make the cut to be on the board. Perhaps you really want to focus on travelling to Asia. Even though that is only one aspect of your life, you can still dedicate your entire board to it. Ask yourself questions; what do I need to achieve to make this happen (maybe financially?), when do I want to go, where do I want to go, and how long do I want to go for. The more specific, the better.

The Importance of Creating your own vision board 

The main point of a vision board is to become clear on what you want and where you want to be going. It is important to write it down or cut out visuals because when you visiually see and remind yourself of your goals and dreams, you will begin making choices and steps in the direction of those goals.

I have outlined five other important reasons why you need to create a vision board for yourself, so keep reading and find out!

6 reasons everyone should make a vision board 

1. It helps you get clear on what you really want and what your passions are

Your vision board should be something that you love to look at every single day.  It should represent goals or wishes you have for this life or what you want to your life to look like.

Vision boards are for everyone, but are especially helpful if you are feeling lost and are not quite sure what you want out of life. Flip through a magazine or scroll through pinterest and cut or print out images that speak to you. As you go through this process, you will begin to see where your interests and passions lie. Is there travel involved? Are there career related images? Do you have images that represent the kind of relationship you want with a partner or with friends? All of these can indicate what your heart is desiring, what that kind of life looks like, and what you should be putting your energy towards.

Once you have identified your passions or wishes, you can then hone in on what excatly a life filled with them will look like.

2. It reminds you everyday to make choices in alignment with what you really want 

One thing I talk about on here a lot is making intentional choices. Intentional living is my mantra for minimalism and decluttering; its not about having a set quantitiy of things but instead quality in everything. Therefore, you end up only brining items into your life that truly spark joy and add value. The same goes for people, jobs, relationships, commitments, and so on that you welcome into your life.

Creating a vision board reminds you of the kind of life you want for yourself, and you can always refer back to it when stuck in a tough decision.

3. It can be emotionally motivating 

Seeing your dream life or goals every. single. day. can get your fired up about them! It encourages you to keep going full speed ahead towards your dreams. In turn, you will be more receptive and open to opportunities that come your way because you are aware of your dreams. 

4. Where focus goes, enegery flows 

Now bear with me on this one because this is something deeply imbedded in my belief system. The energy of the world we live in can determine the direction of your life. You might not agree with me, and that's okay, but like i said hear me out.

What we place our focus on is where we ultimately put energy, and in turn, what we place energy on is what grows in our life. Makes sense, right? If you really want to take a trip to bali (aka me!) and you add that to your vision baord and see it every day, then you will be conscious of that dream abd begin intentionally making decisions that support you in reaching that goal. Maybe you will start budgeting or maybe you start meeting people who have been to Bali. Maybe opporunities start presenting themselves to you, not because those opportunities did not exist before, but because you would not have been aware of them if you hadn't become clear on this goal of travelling to bali through your vision board.

Vision boards help you refocus your energy when things in our daily lives get stressful. When you start losing sight of this life that you want to create or this trip you want to take or the relationship you want to have, you can simply come back to your vision board and redirect your energy towards the things that will make this life possible.

5. Become aware of the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness  

We live in a world that has a lot of expectations and narratives about what the "right" things to do are. One of these narratives is, "after you finish high school you need to go to university and then you need to get a job and climb the corporate ladder." There are many others like this that make us feel as though we need to make choices to fit the status quo rather than what our hearts are truly desiring.

Don't get me wrong, we need to pariticpate in society to make money and meet our basic needs; however, you have to listen to that little voice inside you in your gut to feel truly fulfilled. Sometimes this requires you to let go of how you thought life should be, and embrace the other things that are trying to work out for you. They might seem like interruptions but they are there for a reason.

Using the travel example again, maybe you are so career focused right now but have this little itch telling you to get out and explore. Add these little voices to your board and become aware of what they are saying. Maybe they will open up a life you couldn't have even imageined.

6. Affirmations

I love having affirmations on my vision board. Not only do I visually see what I want my life to look like and the direction I am going, but I have verbal cues that encourage me and remind me of who I am and all that I can achieve. When I am struggling or feel lost or stressed about the future, I turn to my affimations and remind myself of the direction I am going and the power I have.

It's important to remember that your vision board is not permanent; you can change it whenever you like. You can make your vision board representative of the year you want to have or the next couple years. It's all up to you and open to interpretation based on what you need right now!

Another important reminder is that simply making the board and then sitting back on the couch is not enough. You need to get out there, live your life, start making plans, and be open to opporutnities!

So, now that you understand why its important and what motivates you in life, grab some magazines and markers and sissors, open up pinterest, and start collecting and gluing everything that represents your dream life onto that board!


Monday, February 11, 2019

Instagram Live: Links Between Declutter and Mental-Well Being

Recap of Heather and Olivia's Instagram Live in Downloadable PDF

Thank you to all of you who tuned into our Instagram live on February 11th!

We have put together a downloadable PDF summary of the main takeaway point from our Instagram Live!

Download the PDF here!

Please reach out if you have any questions or want to share your experiences with us! You can follow Heather at @heathergorr and find me on Instagram at @detoxdeclutterdesign !


Sunday, February 3, 2019

So You've Decluttered - Now What?

What to do with all the stuff you no longer want after the decluttering purge

I received the question recently, about any tips I had or suggestions on what to do with all the bags of stuff you are left with at the end of your decluttering marathon. This question was such an obvious topic for a post I couldn't believe I had glazed over it. But if you have never done a really good purge before, or even if you have but now there's just so much stuff, this is a really important topic to get some overall insight on!

In this post, I have provided a few tips on what I suggest you do with your stuff post-purge.

I love this little image of "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" made into a minimalist 'buyarchy' but it is so fitting to this topic. Instead of how you can buy close, you can look at this pyramid as a way of getting rid of clothes too. It sums up a few of the suggestions for getting rid of your stuff in an ethical and smart way.


This one is all about you gaining from this situation. I know it can be difficult to give away items that were expensive but if they are not sparking joy or are a necessity then there is no reason to keep them. Therefore, see if you can sell some of these items. Depending on where you are in the world there are different stores that facilitate this process. They are picky and will not take everything, so do this step first and see how much you can get rid using this method (and how much extra change you can make)!

On the topic of selling, there are some really great organizations who will buy your clothes back from you in order for them to create new items!  One that I think is really great is Re-Spun, a revoluntionary recycling program that will give your old tee a new life. If you want to make some cash off of your old items, this organization will give you $5 for each tee you send them. That, if anything, should movitate you to not just throw your old items in the trash!


Not everything we let go of is immediately "broken". Sometimes we just don't use them anymore and what is the use in having them when they just sit in the back of our closet or in a storage box? Ask your friend, roommate, sibling, parent if they could use the things you are getting rid of, and gift it to them. Maybe you just think it would suit them and it can be a birthday or no-reason gift. If it is in good condition, there's no harm in passing it on.

Be careful: You have just done an amazing job decluttering your space. You are in the right mindset and understand your criteria of the items you will intentionally bring into your space from now on. It is important to remember that not everyone has your perspective. Be conscious of the fact that family or friends are not just taking the items because they don't want you throwing them out. This means that the items do not spark joy for them either, but they have grown up with the mindset that things should not be thrown out, or whatever their case may be. That is completely okay, but just be suore to not "force" items on them that they may be taking out of guilt.


Organizing a swap party can be a fun activity to do with your friends. The concept is that you all bring a few items and swap whilst having food and drinks ... My preference would be some red wine and a charcuterie board!

Be careful: See above "be careful" comment under the gifts section. Again, you are in a strong mindset right now for intentionally allowing things into your life. Be careful to only take something at a swap that truly sparks joy for you. Don't take it because someone else tells you it looks good on you. Don't take it cause you feel bad. You know that you just purged your house and that you are amazing. Stay in that mindset!


I have left "donation" until the end because it is the most common one. At the same time, it depends on where you are donating. Some aid programs who send clothes oversees, generally countries in the global south, to places that already have an excess of items that just build up in a mini-landfill type situation. The toxins from the clothes result in more harm than good as they sit and rot. Check out the Netflix documentary The True Cost if you are intersted in learning more about this topic!

I recommend doing some research into what types of thrift stores and organizations you have in your area. A great idea is a women's shelter or goodwill. My wonderful friend Heather shared her decluttering story with me, after asking where to best bring all the things she was getting rid of. She went to a women's shelter in her area and right when she got there, a woman who had just lost everything showed up and ended up taking most of the items Heather had donated. She shared with Heather that all of these donations was a sign to her that she had made the right choice in finding safety and getting out of a dangerous relationship.

Point is, there are many local places and people that need your help. Look into what is in your area, what they do with donations (i.e. do they have a store, do they send them off somewhere, etc.) to gain some insight in who you will be helping. Such an experience will fill you with warmth and gratitude and encourage you to continue to declutter and donate as appose to throw away.

So there you have it - my recommendations for what you should do with all your stuff after you have decluttered. I also suggest you donate, swap, or sell your items relatively quickly so you don't let them just lay around.

Have you decluttered? Which of these methods did you use to ulimatle get rid of your stuff? Share with me!


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Plant-Based Spaghetti Carbonara with Tempeh Bacon and Sweet Potato Spirals

Indulge in this plant-based take on carbonara to your heart's content

This recipe is super quick and easy to make and recreate in your own kitchen for a fast 30-minute weeknight dinner when the last thing you want to do is cook and you wish you were more into meal-prepping. 

The carbonara recipe is the result of playing around with the ingredients in my kitchen and mixing together different recipes. I got the seasoning recipe for the tempeh bacon from my wonderful Christmas present, the Fresh Cookbook. I changed a few things because I did not have all the ingredients in my kitchen so I will add it seasoning mixture to the recipe below as well.

I would 100% recommend including sweet potatoes into your version of this recipe. If you don't have a spiralizer, simply chop the sweet potatoes into little cubes or thin slices. The sweetness is the perfect balance with the savory tempeh bacon. But basically, the sweet potatoes are non-negotiable in my opinion!

So, without further delay, let's make some plant-based pasta! And as a reminder, like all of my recipes, the amounts are for approximately two people or for a single person plus leftovers, so adjust accordingly.

Cashews soaked in hot water, spiraled sweet potatoes, and marinated tempeh bacon

Prep Time: 10 min | Cook Time: 20 min | Total Time: 30 min | Serves: 1-2


Tempeh Bacon:
  • Half a block of tempeh 
  • 1 Tbsp paprika (smoked paprika would also work well)
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp garlic powder 
  • 1/4 maple syrup 
  • 1/4 soy sauce (or tamari) 
  • 1/4 olive oil

Carbonara Sauce:
  • 1/2 cup plain cashews - soaked for at least 30 mintues.  
  • 1/2-1 cup water 
  • 1/2 cup nut milk of choice
  • 1 Egg (optional) 
  • 1 garlic clove 
  • 1/2 a white onion 
  • 4 Tbsp Olive oil or coconut oil for frying

  • Pasta of choice - I used a quinoa rice spaghetti and the amount depends on how many people you are cooking for. 
  • 1/2 a sweet potato - peeled and spiraled 
  • Parsley for garnish 
  • Plant-based parmesan for garnish


Prep and Bacon:
  1. Chop a clove of garlic and half an onion. 
  2. Spiral half a sweet potato (or chop into small cubes or slices).  
  3. Make the bacon seasoning by mixing everything together, cut the tempeh into slices, and pour the seasoning over top of the tempeh slices. Let it marinate for at least 10 minutes. 
    • Optional: prepare the marinade the night or morning before and let the tempeh soak longer. 
  4. Once steps 1-3 are prepared, boil water and begin to cook the pasta. Then start with the sauce.
Carbonara Sauce:
  1. Place the garlic, onion, and olive oil/coconut oil in a large pan at medium heat. 
  2. Meanwhile, place the cashews, water, and nut milk of choice in a blender or food processor and blend, to create a thick milk consistency.
  3. If you want, add a beaten egg to the cashew sauce, and mix together.  Set the cashew sauce aside. 
  4. Fry the marinated tempeh bacon pieces in the frying pan until both sides look brown and cooked through. (The purpose of this is to heat the tempeh up and allow the marinade to stick to the tempeh.)
  5. Remove the tempeh strips from the pan onto a plate. Cut the tempeh into small bite-sized pieces. 
  6. In the pan, add the sweet potatoes. If necessary, add a bit of water, nut milk, or oil to prevent sticking. 
  7. Add the cashew sauce to the sweet potatoes and stir around.
  8. Add the tempeh bacon back into the pan and stir. 
  9. At this point, the pasta should be done. Drain the pasta and add it to the pan. 
  10. Stir all the ingredients together until combined and the sauce is covering everything. 
  11. Garnish with some plant-based parmesan and parsley.

Now, all there's left to do is enjoy! Share your meal pictures with me or any alterations you made!


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Four Takeaway's form the KonMarie Netflix Series

The new Netflix series Tidying up with Marie Kondo enables all people to begin their tidying up journey, and here are the most important takeaways

Other than the fact that Marie Kondo is the cutest ever in person, the new show on Netflix provides insight into the Konmari method of tidying and organizing that you would otherwise need to read her book to understand. I love her books and highly recommend them but I can understand that not everyone loves decluttering as much as I do and maybe you just want someone to tell you what to do so you can do it and be done. I get that.

The KonMari Method Summarized 

In case you have never heard of this method before or this series, here's a quick summary. The idea of Konmari is that you tidy by category, not by room. In this ordered process, you touch every item you own and determine whether or not it sparks joy, starting with the “easiest” category of identifying joy, clothes, to the hardest, keepsakes.

The general categories - if you want to try it out for yourself without needing to watch the show or read the book -  are as follows:
  1. Clothes
    • Under this category is the Konmari method of folding clothing
  2. Books
  3. Paper
  4. Komono (miscellaneous)
    • A few examples of Komono are electronics, kitchen, office supplies and keepsakes.
The idea is to start with the first category and collect everything in your entire house that falls under that category into one space in one room. For example, starting in the first category, place all of your clothes on your bed. Within each category there are many other things to consider; for example, when tidying your clothes start with tops and dresses etc. and end with shoes. However, for now, I just want to provide you with a general concept of the method in case you have literally never heard of it before!

In the show, Marie Kondo visits individuals or families who need help and guidance tidying and the viewer follows them on their decluttering journey.

Four Main Takeaways from this show and decluttering in general 

So the real reason I wanted to write this post was to just outline the most important takeaways from this show and her method because I think it is able to highlight some very important aspects of decluttering.
  1. Categories.

    Tidying by category helps you understand what sparks joy so that you are conscious of what you want to keep and why and it saves you from keeping things “just in case”. It also forces you to take a good look at everything you own and realize just how much stuff (the shit and the important stuff) you own. Seeing everything laid out in one place puts things in perspective and perhaps you will start to be more picky about what you choose to keep and bring into your life and home in the future.

  2. The folding.

    The folding method allows you to see everything, know what you have, love what you have, use what you have. I shared my feelings on my post on 'colour pallets based wardrobes', where my ultimate goal is to be able to reach into my closet and love (and actually want to wear) whatever piece I pull out.
  3. Treat your belongings with love and respect

    I really love this one, and I had never really considered it until I read her book. In the Konmari method, you thank each piece of clothing that you are giving away. As consumers, we place inherent meaning on our material belongings. This is also one of the reasons why we have become such great consumers! The marketing and consumer world knows this, so they advertise to us by tying meaning and material items together. For this reason, it can also be difficult to let go of our belongings.

    Marie Kondo, therefore, suggests thanking your belongings for whatever purpose they have served you. Maybe you thank a pair of worn out shoes for keeping your feet warm and protected. Maybe you thank a top with its tag still attached for helping you identify what isn't your style. This practice will help you part with your material belongings more easily and treat the ones you do have with respect.
  4. Tidying is a therapeutic journey.

    This is the most important one to me and why I have such a deep passion for decluttering and tidying. Decluttering ends up being a way in which you can really serve a deeper meaning for a person through helping them declutter. Through decluttering,  we have to come face to face with things that we have been holding onto. There are always reasons for why we hold onto material items, and through this process, we have to acknowledge what those reasons are. Sometimes they can be deep, painful and emotional, which in turn allows decluttering to act as a form of therapy to let go of the emotional weight or move on from a situation. Decluttering does not just need to mean the tidying out of clothes but I also use it to refer to the cleaning out of emotions.

    A while back I wrote about how decluttering is directly linked to your emotional state and mental wellness which can be influenced by things you hold onto that might not be serving you anymore. Read the post here, which discusses this more in-depth for letting go of this weight as a year comes to an end, but it can be applied to any day of the year!

Decluttering is so much more than the physical stuff you get rid of and I love the way in which the show is able to highlight that. It provides evidence for the way I discuss decluttering on D3, as you can truly see how individuals work through their emotions and seem to have a physical and emotional weight lifted off their shoulders by the end of their tidying journey.

Have you decluttered or watched this series on Netflix? Do you feel an emotional aspect to the process? Share your insights and journey with me!

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