Saturday, July 29, 2017

Morning Boost #3: Banana Chocolate Nicecream

A Cold Refreshing Treat for a Hot Morning

Heres another super easy morning boost! I have only recently heard about nicecream and just started getting into it. It's basically like a smoothie bowl but in some cases almost easier to make!
This is a really simple recipe to get you hooked on this heavenly nicecream!

Ingredients + the ONE step required by this recipe

Frozen Bananas - 1-2 bananas or a good handful of frozen pieces should be enough.
Bananas are a great base ingredient because when you blend frozen bananas they become so thick and creamy … just like ice cream… almost better!

Almond milk - just a little bit to help blend the bananas; about 1/2 a cup.

Make it Yours! 
You can also play around here and add some other ingredients, for example, natural peanut butter or almond butter if you want to make it a banana peanut butter nicecream bowl!

THIS IS LITERALLY IT - Blend until Creamy! 


This is where the fun starts. Toppings are important because it will give you the taste you want! I'm going for a little bit of a chocolate banana taste, so I'm adding some granola, chocolate peanut-butter sauce, and some shredded coconut! YUM!

Add different fruits or the same kind of fruit as a topping to incorporate other flavors and textures. I’ve stuck with banana’s here but raspberries or strawberries would have been fitting to add to the chocolate sauce.

I am using “Nutty Rawnola”, a recipe by Earthy Andy. It is sweet, delicious, and vegan, with dates, cinnamon, oats, and coconut sugar!

Chocolate Peanut butter Sauce
And no, this does not contain sugar. Yes, it IS healthy AND delicious! This is a simple blended mixture of natural peanut butter, coconut milk, maple syrup, raw coca-powder.

I’m not the biggest coconut fan, but I really do love using coconut oil or shreds for raw cooking and baking. I also like a little bit of shredded coconut onto of my smoothie bowls… it gives a crunchy texture and adds a little bit of a different flavor to mix things up!

And Voila! You are ready to enjoy your healthy breakfast treat in under 10 minutes! This is also a great cold snack on a hot summer day. 

There are tons of nicecream recipes online as well as lots of difficult ones that are delicious, but I thought I'd start off small to get into myself. I find that I am more motivated to continue doing something when I can make it the second time without following a recipe! But if you are looking for more of a challenge, go search it! I will also be posting some more of these in the weeks to come... they're my new fave!


Friday, July 21, 2017

Why it is so hard to design your dream life: A Truthfully Honest Post

Fears that hold us back from living a life that we absolutely are in love with… and taking the first step by surrounding yourself with positive energy and releasing beliefs that limit you!  

Thus far I have posted steps or tips on how to declutter or detox. I have also done a bit in the direction of designing the life you want. This post definitely falls under that umbrella, but it is a little bit more personal than just sharing my healthy meals and organization tricks. I am not here telling you how to make your life amazing, because although I am working on it, I definitely am not claiming to know everything, but rather trying to connect with those of you who feel that want to have a wonderful life, but may be feeling stuck or are not sure where to start. Are you relating to these feelings?

I have spent this whole week deciding what I would post for this Friday’s post. All of my prepared posts and ideas did not seem to resonate with me. The second post following “Morning Routines” didn’t feel right, and writing about how I redesigned my space at home didn’t get me excited. I am also not in my normal environment right now, and I think that traveling brings out different emotions and forces you to really think about the world and people and YOUR life differently. You read books, you ask questions, you explore new ways of life. Your mind is opening up to a whole different world. This can obviously also happen in the comfort of your own home, city or country, by exploring all the beauty around you or reading a fascinating story from the comfort of your own couch. This just happens to be my place in this world right now, and I am driven to write about something insightful and sincere.

Honest Fears
Fears that make us doubt ourselves … and encouraging change

I love writing this blog and dedicating my time to it. Some days I love writing about these material things; food, life style, and organizing your space and days. But what about organizing your life? One of the things I love talking about is creating the life you want to live, going after dreams, manifesting positivity, and trusting in life. This post is the first introduction component in that direction; to design a happy life, one must first start generating some positive thoughts!

However, this simple sounding task can be difficult when it is easy to let negative thoughts take over and we so quickly resist being vulnerable. I notice myself take time before I share each post to think, “who is going to be reading this?”, “Will it make a difference?”, “Am I wasting my time”, or “will it just be a joke?”. To rid myself of these fears, I look for others who display the courage to expose their thoughts and feelings … whether that means sharing deep contemplations on life and hardships, or a more straightforward “tips and tricks” blog post where you gain insight into their life. You have got to be fearless to start doing what you love and you have to expose yourself out in the open when trying something new when you actually want to get somewhere with it!

I am inspired by authentic people. My favorite pages to follow on social media are those whose posts are genuine and authentic. Social media can be such a toxic place but it can truly be a caring and receptive place as well. These people post about following their dreams and all the love and gratitude in their lives; at the same time, they post about their struggles, losses, and failures. I realize I gravitate towards these people because I can relate and their honesty inspires me. It makes me want to share honest feelings myself. There are too many filters and rules and too much judgment in this world.

The courage to write this post is drawn from that inspiration. I see how much positivity, love, honesty, and how many life lessons are being shared by these people. I can envision how I want to connect and relate to people, but there is always the fear that people will not respond positively. It is that moment when you see what you want, but you must disregard judgment and any negativity around you in order to obtain it.

I started thinking about what messages I wanted to be sharing, and I realized tips and steps to creating a healthy life are important for me, but life goes deeper than that. My need for this post came from a realization from the inspiration and drive I felt from reading other peoples honest and authentic feelings and struggle… it was inspiring to me. It helped me connect to them and admire their journey, and it reinforced that dreams are achievable in the right environment. This positive energy and sincere messages inspire me to persevere mine - in the most honest of ways.

Honest Support 

I want to create deeper connections with those who do read what I write and do this by conveying my personality, feelings, and charisma. So many aspects of life are filtered today that it can be hard to find a supportive community where you don’t wish for something new/better/bigger, instead of one where you feel fulfilled and happy in your life and gratified with your journey. This is what I would like to create here. Below is my first little insight, which I am personally putting to use in this post, in order to begin to create this genuine and supportive space.

Using Karma as a Tool
The “Tip” part of this post: Surrounding yourself with the energy you need to succeed

Karma is a tool you can use… It is simply the idea that your actions and thoughts influence your life. If you put your energy towards something, and your actions and thoughts align with that goal, you have the ability to create that in your life.

First, you must liberate yourself from all the beliefs that limit you…
Your thoughts = your feelings ( positive thoughts means positive opinions and feelings towards that goal), and your feelings = actions that lead you in the right direction. When you create positive thoughts, you display positive energy, and you end up attracting the right kind of people and support. It helps you obtain what you want in your life and who you want to surround yourself with.

Personally achieving this … Everything I have written up until this point has been about the kind of positivity I want to manifest through this blog. Hopefully, through this post, I will attract the right supportive, loving, honest and authentic readers, that I know you all are. You can create what you want in your life if you put your energy towards it. I am done with being too intimidated to put it all out there because I know what I want to share is greater than the fear I have of doing it.

Right now there is a great 21-day Mediation going on by Oprah and Deepak Chopra, talking all about going after what you want, and the first thing they talk about is that “you are a powerful creator”. You can reach your deepest desires when you focus your energy and actions towards it and surround yourself with positivity. I would highly recommend it because it provides a little guidance and expresses all these concepts clearly.

Perspectives Vary

This post is a new step for me and this blog because I am speaking from the heart in sharing my own fears and my own feelings. It seems that this is not something people usually do, especially not to the open world. But I realize that these are the kind of posts I like most. Sharing, connecting, and creating a community of bonds and support.

Of course, this is just my opinion. This is my perspective and my take on the situation. These are all just my beliefs about creating an environment that helps rid you of your doubts and fears and instead assist you with your desired intention. 

I have said a lot in this post about fears and goals and opinions… but my main point really is, that you get what you put out. I would like to create a positive and inspiring environment.



Friday, July 14, 2017

Designing Routines that Work

Morning Edition: 8 Tips to Starting Your Day Off Right

I know that there are a lot of posts about mornings and how to make the most of them. This is sort of one of those posts, but I'm going to try and keep it as real and as honest as possible. This is the first of a few posts about routines. I am very a very passionate organiser (I think it's a positive attribute but to each their own!), and routines are one of those things that make me feel in control and productive.

Creating Habits are Hard

Having a routine in the morning and having the feeling of getting all sorts of things done before you even leave the house, is IMPORTANT. The article Can a morning routine make you better at your job? by the BBC, provides evidence from individuals experiences and suggest that the morning routine is the ideal time for personal priorities. The morning is the best time to get things done without distractions. One principle of the psychology of habits is the idea of “decision fatigue”. This states that towards the end of the day we are more likely to make “bad” decisions or choose to do nothing at all (Source: Developing Good Habits). For example, you are more likely to work out if you do it right when you get up in the morning opposed to waiting until after work or class, especially if you’ve had a long day of thinking, problem-solving, and concentration. At that point you’re more likely to decide that you are tired and just want to go home. I know I have been guilty of this. Therefore, getting things done in the morning and having a routine of what you do is suppose to help you achieve more, at the time of day when you are most motivated.

Life Happens, Routines Change

I know that everyone has busy lives and someone who can really achieve all their new years goals, stick to their routines of constant journaling, and not break their healthy no-sugar diets, must be a miracle worker. We all slip up once and a while. Sometimes we need that sleep in instead of the work out. From time to time we have down days and need that comfort food. These tiny obstacles that divert us from our goals are okay. I think we get the feeling that when you plan something you have to do it exactly as you’ve imagined, or else you have failed. I do not think that is the case.

I want to propose how I have created routines in my life that motivate me and inspire me to keep going. At the same time, life happens. Not everything goes as planned and routines need to shift and be adjusted accordingly. Routines are not there to make you feel unsuccessful or shitty about how you are unable stick to habits or achieve your goals. They are there to bring structure to your life, in this case your morning, in little ways and create a feeling of fulfillment because you are doing things for yourself and making time for you.

Here is my morning and some tips and approaches in regards to not letting these plans and goals take over your life. Here are also some reminders so that the routine you create doesn’t have an opposite, negative affect, where you feel like you are unable to achieve everything opposed to adjusting and feeling fulfilled in what you have done.

My Morning Routine

I have a short list of things that I would like to do in the morning. I created this list and started sticking to it back in February. It worked really well while I was at school, but since I’ve been back at home for the summer, I’ve had to adjust it to my new schedule. I have a job instead of school which random hour shifts, where I can’t always get to bed when I want and need days of sleeping in to be alert during later shifts. The list of my morning to-do’s still stays pretty consistent; working out is my priority, and then I adjust the rest according to the day.

I put the small things on my list as well, like showering and making my bed because the more you can check off your list, the more productive you end up feeling.

Aspects that Make for a Good Morning
… Based on my own Experience

First, watching the day begin. I LOVE mornings - being up early when all is quiet, seeing the sunrise - but I also love my sleep. I need about 8 hours of sleep so getting up early works if I go to bed by 11pm. However, this isn’t always the case because I have a lot of work to do, I had a late night class, or it takes me longer to fall asleep. Therefore, I give myself that wake up period, but I usually wake up more towards 7.30. Still, getting up “early” is a huge influence on how I feel.

I follow my morning routine every day of the week. I follow it closely on the days I have lots going on and I even try to incorporate it on the weekends, but truthfully thats usually after a nice sleep-in. Even on days when my classes start later, I still do my best to stick to a 7.30 wake up. That way I can get a decent amount of work hours in before classes start, and have less to do later in the day when my brain starts to shut down. Sometimes I stretch my wake up time until 8 but I find that I need an “early” start in order to feel productive. The later it gets, the less I want to do this routine because I start stressing and want to get a start on my work to-do list.

Second, a positive mindset. Mediating or doing Tony Robinsons “Priming” in the morning is a nice “in-between” stage from sleeping to actually getting out of bed. You are still sleepy, so it’s nice to have a slow wake-up where you can stay in bed 10-20 min longer to mediate or focus your mind on all the positives in order to create an optimistic and gratitude filled mindset to continue into the day with. I try not to look at my phone until I have finished this part of my routine.

MEDITATION: Oprah and Deepak have FREE 21 day Mediations where they focus on a topic such as “stress” or “Desires and Destiny” (their upcoming one). It’s an app that I have downloaded and the mediations are about 20 min … max. 10 min of talking and then about 10 min to mediate. I find the guidance helpful and they raise some interesting and insightful ideas to think about.

PRIMING: My mom introduced my to Tony Robinson, who supports people in creating their best life, whether that is in regards to work and business, love and relationships, or personal issues and goals. He has a 15 min priming exercise (also free audio) that wakes me up mentally in the morning. It is less in the direction of mediation since he talks the entire time, but this guided audio reminds me about all the things I have to be grateful for and encourages me to refocus my attention and energy on the things I want to achieve this day/week/month. Sometimes there is so much going on we loose focus on what is actually important and instead we become overwhelmed with all the things on our “to-do lists” that aren’t actually that important.

Third, the feeling of accomplishment before work. Working out in the morning before you start your day at school or the office creates a sense of accomplishment. If I feel as though I have accomplished something before I have even eaten breakfast, I feel motivated to get even more done in the day. Alternatively, if I am having a rough day with getting things done, I can always remind myself that I already worked out this morning, which makes me feel a bit better. I also feel the change in my body. Working out gets the blood flowing and energies me and my brain. I don’t feel as tired after sweating it out!


Since January I have been doing Beach Body’s “21 Day Fix” which I love. I found it for $30 on Amazon and there is a 30 min work-out video for each day of the week. I don’t have time or a want to do a long work out, so this is perfect and it's hard! Also, I like when there is a schedule that tells me what work out to do on what day, instead of me searching through videos or being indecisive about what video I want to do. This review gives an overview of the program with lots of info about 21 Day Fix if you are interested!

I was also recently introduced to “Blogalties” on YouTube which has a variety of videos from 10-30 minutes that are a great alternative on those days that 30 minutes doesn’t even seem possible.

Some days, especially when there is a lack of positivity in my morning attitude, I prefer to do a Yoga practice. I use an online Yoga Community called Gaia. They have thousands of different yoga classes you can follow from home from your computer/iPhone, as well as Films and Documentaries that can be insightful and helpful in refocusing your attention on the right things.

Fourth, planning to make it a healthy day. I LOVE food, so I am someone who is always very concerned about what I will be eating. I also like to have lots of snacks because I get hungry throughout the day, at non-eating times. I have a board on interested called “Cooking for One” with all kinds of healthy lunch ideas, bowls, and combos. I don't want to eat a sandwich everyday, and salads are a lot of prep I find… also cause I love avocados and you really have to cut the avocado up right before you eat it… so yes, the struggle. Here, meal prep is key. Have some veggies and snacks ready in plastic bags or Tupperware. Often I’ll also have a tuna salad ready to just spread on bread in the morning. you get out the door on time and have a yummy lunch to look forward to!

8 Tips for the BEST Morning EVER!

Make your Own List
What is important to you? What do you want to do for yourself that would make you feel positive and fulfilled going into your day? Maybe it’s important for you to talk a walk and clear your head. Maybe watching the sunrise each morning can help fill you with that positive energy. Maybe you need a cup of coffee before anything else. I have incorporated my morning routine into this post, but that does not mean this is the best or only way to do a routine. The things you do in the morning are

I also like to put all the little things on the list as well: showering, getting dressed, etc. This mentally gives me a lot to “check-off” and makes me feel like I’ve already got a lot done since I’ve woken up (even if its just having showered!).

Pick a Time Frame
I try to give myself 2 hours in the morning from when I have to get up to when I have to leave. The first hour allows me to mediate or work-out, as well as shower. The second gives me enough time to get dressed and eat breakfast while I make my lunch. The second hour is the things I would have to do anyways, even if I did not have a routine set.

Try different things to discover what makes your mornings happy!
This is just my list and how I feel that these factors improve my morning. Everyone is different and maybe there is just one thing you’d like to do in order to create your morning routine. Again, this time is YOURS!

Do things that you actually want to do in the morning!
I know that if i put journaling on this list, it wouldn’t happen… that is something I really have to do when I feel like it, and it cannot be a “to-do” for me. On another note, I was super excited about the 21 day Fix video when I got it, and I still am excited to get up and do it for 30 min.

Baby Steps
The Routine will develop over time. You will try different things, see if they improve your morning or if you are energized after your routine. Additionally, choose 3-4 mornings a week where you will stick to your routine. This will make the mornings you have to get up earlier to get your list done less daunting, if you know you have 3 days when you can sleep in longer. This approach can also be an interesting way to compare how you feel on the days you follow your routine versus the days you don’t. It might motivate you to increase the days of morning routines.

Try to do at least one thing on your list each morning
If you only have time for a short work out or would rather mediate, or want to make a fancy breakfast because that’s what you are craving, then go with that feeling. Don’t force yourself and don’t ridicule yourself for not following each very specific rule and part of your morning routine. Let if flow and allow yourself over time to step into it a bit more naturally.

The longer you do it, the easier it gets
This goes hand in hand with taking baby steps in building up a routine that works for you, and the need to result to just doing one thing because you snoozed your alarm 5 times. When you have found a routine that works for you and you are excited about it and dedicated to it, do you best to really incorporate it into your life.

Some days you just don’t feel like working out… In those cases, have a short work out video you can do as an alternative, do yoga, or even simply stretch for a bit … main thing is to feel like you’ve done something. Same goes for mediation or whatever other things you’d like to do in the morning… if you’re feeling stressed, do it for 5 minutes or journal if that’s what you are feeling like instead.

Its not a matter of failing … its about working towards building a Routine that YOU like and the works for you, so that you can actually stick to it!


Friday, July 7, 2017

8 Tips for Active Trips

Organized “Bagged” Packing for long and far trips…
Not so much what to pack, but rather how to pack and prepare!


As my brother would say, “Overpack - you can never have enough”; however, there are other ways to go about packing if you want to actually know what you are bringing, which can avoid the feeling of having forgotten something very important (but you just can't seem to remember what).

One benefit of being organized is knowing where everything is at all times. I have had quite of bit of experience with packing from various family vacations and now, with my life split by an ocean. That requires a lot of packing, for moving or when going home, as well as a lot of planning. It has also gotten me into a routine… what and how I pack when I travel.

I am currently packing for an exciting Kite-surfing vacation, which means lots of activity. The accommodations are shacks on a beach, so the packing requirements call for sporty and simple clothes. The list of what to pack varies slightly for this trip, as I will need beach clothes and bathing suits, rashguards and boardshorts, work-out clothes for yoga or morning runs on the beach, and casual dinner outfits.

My goal of this post is not about telling you what I think you should pack (although I do have a few pictures that might spark some ideas), but rather to share my insights on how I approach packing, specifically for an active trip that requires a variety clothes for all the activities. Here are the 8 tips that I find helpful as guidelines for packing for such an adventure!

Tip 1: Make a To-Do List

Yes, a packing to-do list is also important, but first, I would suggest making a list of all the things you want to do on the trip(s). Will you be working out or just going on excursions? In other words, will you need actual workout clothes or just clothes that are comfortable enough to explore in for a few hours? Then you can pack based on what's on your travel bucket list.

My trip is casual beachwear along with some sporty workout clothes for kiting and exercising. Nothing big planned for dinners so also casual, but a few cuter tanks that won’t get beach sandy.

Tip 2: Plan Outfits, Don’t Overpack

Try to avoid just bringing everything you love. Even if you are going away for more than a week. I go by the rule of four… four shorts (including a skirt/dress/whatever bottoms suit you), four casual tops (beach wear), four “nice” tops (clean dinner clothes), and four workout tops (these you can wear a couple times in a row or wash in between).

To make the most out of the clothes you bring, color coordinate. Try to make as many outfit combinations as you can; this shirt goes with these shorts, sweater, and skirt. Can you double any of the workout wear as beach clothes or beach cover-ups as dinner attire? The more you can mix and match all the clothes you packed, the more you will get out of less.

First two pictures together: four nice tops, Two dresses (above) and one dress + a skirt (below). 4 Shorts (three in first picture, one (nicer pair) in second). Four casual beach tops.
Four workout shirts (that match with the two work out shorts as well as the two board shorts). Two rashguards. Three sports bras for kiting, three for working out.

Tip 3: Lay It Out (Tip 2.1)

This is just my trick to make sure I don’t forget anything. I have separate little piles for each “like” group. I have a pile of toiletries and make-up, a pile of bathing suits, a pile of workout clothes, a pile of nice dinner shirts, a pile of shorts, skirts and cover-ups. This is just my way to count the amount I'm bringing and to make sure I’m not overpacking. Most importantly I can check that I’m not forgetting anything.
All toiletries, cosmetics/makeup, shampoo/conditioner laid out ... Making sure its all there!

Tip 4: Bag “like” Items 

Dividing items into bags is a good way to keep them together or from leaking, which is often the case with toiletries. I have a little bag for everything; this way I can organize all the smaller items into like groups, to have easier access later and remember where that aspirin is that I was looking for.

I have a bag for everything that goes into my wash-kit and anything secondary (medicine/creams). I have also put bathing suits and underwear into separate bags. Those are easy to lose, plus where I am going, everything is “open-concept” so it is easy for small animals to make homes on the shelves where my clothes are. Not only will it keep the animals out but it also keeps all “like” items together.

Wash-kit bags. Bathing suits and socks/underwear.

Tip 5: Carry On Thoughts

Here I also organize everything in their designated bags. I have one bag filled with everything that I’ll need on the plane/mode of transportation.

The Go To Carry On Baggie
The little “you are my sunshine” canvas bag contains chapstick, mints/gum, headphones, tissues, a little container filled with Advil/Tums/Gravel (whatever you may need), hand cream/hand sanitizer, and lipstick (which can sometimes just be nice after a long sleepless flight).

Electronics Bag
The other small bag is for all my chargers and chords that I will need for computers, iPads, iPhones, and watches. I try to keep the electronics that I take with me on vacation to a minimum, but unfortunately, that is not always possible.

Carry-on and Electronics Bag. Backpack: "Mochi Things" - With lots of pockets for organization!

Travel Document Folder
This is where I organize all my flight information, passports, money and different currencies. As a big sister, you end up being in charge of passports and the documents of other people, so it is important to stay organized… for everyone.

Small, Accessible Wallet
I also travel with a small wallet with another form of ID, health card, bank card, and some cash. This way I don’t have to reach into my “travel document folder” to get money out. The smaller wallet is also easy to hide in a small side pocket and still reach quickly. I do this for anything I buy at the airport or towns/cities before reaching the final destination.

Of course, a carry-on must include anything else you might want to keep yourself busy. I bring my laptop, a book(s), and my journal. This gives me more than enough to do, but usually, I just end up watching movies shown on the plane anyways:)!

Everything that Goes in my Carry-On Backpack

Tip 6: Wash-kit Essentials 

There is lots of micro-organizing that can be done here, so everything within the wash-kit is organized as well.
Micro-Organization Part 1:
In the main area of the wash-kit I put all the essential toiletries; toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face cream, face wash, and aloe vera.
Micro-Organization Part 2:
In the inside pocket of the main compartment, I have a few little cosmetics; blush, mascara, a little concealer, and some lipstick.

Micro-Organization Part 3:
In the outside pocket, I have some “emergency” tools; nail polish to touch up my toes if they break and a nail clipper and file/buffer (if any nails break).

Micro-Organization Part 4:
Finally, in a separate, smaller wash-kit, I have creams for cuts, bites, and wounds. I also have some stronger sunscreen as back-up. 

On a trip like this, where its very relaxed and there is not a lot of dressing up, I try to be as minimalistic as possible with what I pack in my wash-kit. Only bringing mascara, blush, and concealer, instead of the whole naked pallet. Same with face products. The sun and salt water do a lot of the clearing up for me.

Tip 7: Travel Clothes

Lay out what you will wear to travel so that you have an extra outfit. I always need to wear pants when I fly because I get cold easily, so I need a completely separate outfit anyways if I’m traveling somewhere warm. I brought a skirt along this time because we had a full day layover where it would be HOT, so I changed for the day. Alternatively, if your destination is hot as well, you can change when you arrive. If your layover is tight, I would also suggest throwing in a bathing suit or a toothbrush into your carry-on, just in case your luggage doesn’t make it to the destination as fast as you.

In general, it is nice to have a designated travel outfit, especially if you're going on an active or beach vacation where you won’t need pants and your clothes will get wet, dirty, sweaty, or stinky. It’s  just pleasant to have a completely new set of clothes to wear on your way home. You’ll thank me later.

Tip 8: Just In Case … if you have the extra space.

I suggest bringing something extra … just in case. I know I get cold easy, so I bring an extra long-sleeve and little sweater, just in case. Even if you only wear a sweater once, then you have some option. If you’re going somewhere where they are having a rainy season, maybe throw in a rain poncho or even jacket. I always throw in a baseball cap even though I don’t like wearing hats. For these few little things, it's better to lug it around than wish you had packed it. If you have the extra space, DO IT.

And most importantly, enjoy your adventure! 


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Morning Boost #2: Chai Shake

Four Ingredients and Four Tips to this Sweet Breakfast Treat!  

This one is a favorite, very simple smoothie. Smoothies are my morning go-to’s. I am really not a big breakfast fan and even if I find myself unusually hungry in the morning, I know I am still not going to eat very much. 

I am not going to go into much detail but just lay it out for you! This delicious drink is so quick and easy and healthy. It doesn’t require a lot of ingredients to this is a great solution when the fridge is feeling light.

I turn to this shake when I am out of spinach and need something a bit more on the sweet side. It is also a great alternative when you are craving a milkshake. It really feels like a cheat meal, but it's not! I love chai latte’s and this shake is a pretty close and healthy alternative to the real thing.


Put all the ingredients into the blender and mix. Increasing the speed will whip the milk and bananas in order to make it more creamy and frothy, like a latte! Most of these measurements are just my estimations, but feel free to put in what suits your taste buds best!

Tip 1 - Getting the Right Amount

Serves 1. I measure this by taking a glass and filling it with the liquid mixture, to ensures that the serving will be for one person. That is how I base the amount on so for two people, you would be filling two glasses. I mix the almond milk with water because it can be expensive and I go through it fast. I fill a glass 1/3 or 1/2 with almond milk and use water to fill the remainder.

Tip 2 - Banana Ice Cubes

When I buy bananas, I cut and freeze half of them. This makes the drink a colder opposed to a nice lukewarm room temperature. However, non-frozen bananas can make the shake a bit creamier, and in that case, you can add cold water to the liquid mixture. (Cold water is just not a thing in my house)!

Tip 3 - Go Easy on the Nutmeg 

The nutmeg is a very strong spice where a little bit goes a long way. I suggest only using a small amount of nutmeg. It's better to taste the shake and add more than to have an overwhelming amount of it. Estimate and play around with the amount you like!

Tip 4 - Pick Your Protein

As for the protein powder, I use a flavored one from Forever. The vanilla flavour is the basis of the chai shake, but if all you have is chocolate then you can surprise yourself with a chocolate chai latte shake. The brand, Forever, produces products that are all Aloe Vera based. The brand you use should simply be one that tastes good, adding flavour to your shake, and one that works for you.

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