A new series of posts about quick organization tips for specific spaces; what you really need and what you can ditch, to create a happy clean environment and a less stressed self!
1. The three piece rule
Aim to have only three objects on your desk at all time. This can include a cup holder (or holders) for pens and pencils, a desk lamp, a note pad or a calendar diary, a laminated desk mat to write on, a speaker if you like to listen to music while you work, maybe your printer, or even a pretty picture or a nice candle to help de-stress you while working.
The main point here is to make sure that you keep your desk as clean and simple as possible. The more stuff you have out on your desk that doesn't need to be there or that doesn't have an actual home, just creates more clutter in your mind. You can focus better on your tasks when your space is organized and when you know where everything is that you might need to use.
When you are doing work at your desk, all that should be in front of you is the work that you need to be doing. If you have work lined up to do after you're finished with the task at hand, organize it in a binder or to the side of your desk. If you follow this method, the only things on your desk should be what you are working on and your other "three things" that make the desk space useful.
2. Shelf the extras
It's nice to make a desk space a focused one by adding a simple picture or a plant to create life in that area. Shelves are also good to display your books or even keep supplies or textbooks that you need often for work or for class. Shelves can act as a "home" for the things that would otherwise take up space on your desk.Even if you are using shelves as a display, try to keep it simple. This work space should be a positive atmosphere where you can focus. If there is too much going on (even in terms of decoration) it can get overwhelming. Still, make the open shelf look nice to your own tastes so that this type of storage can still add to your focused environment. If you love your space you will want to be there, and hopefully, this will help you get things done!
3. Create Systems to eliminate clutter
Desks are a great surface to collect extra papers, recipes, dust, and random nicknacks that have no home. Try and eliminate this extra clutter by creating a system. Have a filing system for loose papers that you may need at a later date. Have separate assigned places and folders for banking, bills, work or school papers, and so on. If you have lots of loose papers to file away or a cluttered desk that needs to be cleared up, add that to your to-do list for the day!
Get rid of all the extras. If you don't need it and don't want to file it away, throw it out. Always make this decision right away. Don't let yourself start to create piles of disorganized papers on your desk. If you don't have time to file it into its place immediately, start and organized pile (or piles to keep the papers separate). One way to do this is by having a filing rack to stack papers in an organized way until you get around to taking care of them. For example, you can have one rack or mail that needs to be opened and another of bills to be paid and finally one for papers that need to be filed away. I would suggest trying to clear out this filing rack or to clean up the loose papers on your desk before you sleep so that you end the day with a clean desk... And you can start the next day with one too!
The more clutter you let build up in your life, especially in your immediate and physical space, the more cluttered your brain and mind will be, making it more difficult to stay focused and be productive.
4. Have an Overview of Upcoming Events
This one is pretty straight forwards, yet often forgotten. Having a calendar above the desk or your work space that you can see every day, is a great way to have an overview of what's coming up. It can be a basis for helping you plan your to-do's keep you from stressing out like crazy.
A calendar can be self-made with pictures or notes, and you can make a list for each month, or you can simply buy a pretty one. Calendars can also be a great way to add some color and pictures into a focused and clean space.
Make the calendar your own and set it up in a way that best suits you and your organization tactics. You may have an overview of whats happening this month, or you might write out everything you have on your agenda for this week. If you need more tips on organizing your calendar as well as weekly and daily to-do's, take a look at my "Designing Routines that Work: Daily Edition".
5. A Clean Desk Space = Positive Productivity = Daily Routine
We can focused best when we don't have distractions all around us, and one way to achieve this is through eliminating those distractions. That is why I advocate for a clean organized space for the environment you choose to work in, which in turn should create a more calming atmosphere for you. You have enough stress going on already, so why stress your eyes out by the piles or random shit on your desk!?You need to design your desk space in order to create an environment that you can be productive and focused in. To do this, you need to know what kind of worker you are. Does it help to study with music? do you like making lots of lists and hanging them up? Would you rather have everything on your computer? Is there a certain color that you find calming? Or a specific scent that can de-stress you?
Do this little exercise and write out what kind of worker you are and in what environments you work best in. Sometimes people like having a few nicknacks on their desk or a bit more of an organized mess, whereas others like it empty and clean. You simply need to determine what kind of a worker you are and what your needs are in order to create a space where you feel focused!
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