Thursday, August 23, 2018

My Metaphorical Bag of Minimalist Ideas

Need a better analogy to understand minimalism? Read this!

The last four months of my life are packed away.
 Each summer I come home and bring one big suitcase with me... filled with stuff for the next three to four months. I have to pack for a lot of situations when I come back for the summer; when I come in may its still cold but by July it's hot, and then what about work clothes?! There is a lot of decision making that goes into this packing and minimalist ideas come in very handy. By the end of the summer, what I leave with is not always the same as what I came with. The process of packing a bag for the summer is a lot like the process of minimalism.

This bag is a metaphor of all the stuff we own – material belongings as well as emotional and psychological ideas and perspectives. There is only so much space in this bag, so I need to be able to let go of things in order to not have this back weighing me down. I also need to let go of things in order to allow new items, perspectives, and ideas into my life.

Having to pack this bag (metaphorical or not) at the end of my time here means taking a good look at all the things I’ve accumulated, even if that was unconscious, over the past few months. Not everything will fit … so what am I holding onto “just in case”? What have I learned about myself over the past few months that needs its own space in my “bag” and what old beliefs is it time to let go of?

We have to be able to let go of “stuff” and our emotional connections to them. We all put value on the things we own and create a certain kind of relationship with our stuff. The thing to realize is that giving that stuff away or getting rid of it does not discount the “connection” to it, such as the fact that is was a gift from someone or you don’t want to get rid of it but it’s your favorite thing even though its no longer wearable. Be able to let go to allow new into your life … like maybe just a little more space.

Minimalism is not just about your material “stuff” but also your mental state.

Minimalism is not just about decluttering and simplifying the physical stuff in your life but it also positively influences and affects your mentality, emotions, and perspectives. When you can visually see how the decluttering of material items changes how you feel and distinguish the way in which the excess of items was weighing you down. You can experience the shift that “letting go” provides and you can start to see how that same method can be used for non-tangible things such as relationships, perspectives, and beliefs that are toxic and might also need to be let go of.

Being conscious of only having those items in your life that bring you joy and add value will directly influence you to do the same with your non-tangible things in your life such as beliefs, opinions, and relationships. Packing this literal bag is a reminder to me to let go of that which is no longer serving me.

You will never fit EVERYTHING into this one suitcase. This suitcase represents valuable space in your life … so make sure it contains all and only your favorite things. What sparks joy for you? What adds value? And most importantly what’s just lying around? Don’t be wasting space on things you might need or read or use “one day”. Don’t add weight from relationships or financial stress to this bulky bag you’re going to be carrying around. If there is extra space left, then there is extra breathing room or room for change that you can be “open” to now!


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